This is Ana Maria Enriquez. I have six sisters and two brothers, and I am the youngest of all. I live in Mexico City. I just graduated from the University (I studied Communications) and the things I like the most is spending time with my family, with friends, one of my hobbys is to interview famous people (politicians, celebrities or just someone that will say something interesting). I love taking an airplane and just go somewhere else so when I get back home I can bring something different, something that can be useful to my country. I love helping people, now I do help latinamerican teens through the web page I work for...I answer their questions about sexuality, relationships, abortion, etc...I also write articles and prepare sketches about teen topics. I believe Mexico can be a better country than it is now. I am Catholic, I have learnt so much from my parents....they are about 66, and 67, and I am just 21, so there is a huge difference of way of thinking and interests, but still I think they are people that have worked so hard for their nine sons that I admire them so much. I am very very thankful for everything they have given us and given me. I love to work, I love to be very active. I went to Winnipeg and to Toronto to study grade seven, at that time I was just 11 years old. Since 2006 I go every summer to Edmonton to visit my sister and her family, and now her kids are already part of my heart and my life. But now this summer will be something that I have ever experienced it. Many friends recommended me to go to the Phoenix since last year, but because I was quite afraid to take the chance I didn´t do it earlier. So now I´m expecting the best, I know that we have to study a lot, read a lot and write a lot. ha! so I promiss to do my best and thanks to all Phoenix People that helped me to get there. And after everything we have been going through, now we are just one week of away of the program. Wow. God bless you all and let´s meet you all there!
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